Threesis is a renowned academic competition in which GSAS students distill their research into an engaging, jargon-free presentation — in three minutes or less.
The new pictorial mark combines the competition’s key pillars — academic prestige and agile challenge — while visually signifying its simplicity and accessibility. Set alongside existing lockup guidelines, it adds visual flair to the wordmark while remaining consistent with NYU Arts & Science branding.
NYU Graduate School of Arts & Science
Logo Designer
Convey the esteemed and dynamic nature of Threesis
Create a memorable logo while complying with NYU brand guidelines
After ideating, I landed on the concept of a stopwatch surrounded by a laurel wreath, and sourced visually cohesive stock assets.
Pictorial Mark
I combined the selected assets into a balanced composition, tweaking the stopwatch to fill exactly a third of the way.
Lockup Variations
Finally, I created lockup variations that would meet NYU Arts & Science brand guidelines.
We absolutely loved the Threesis logo! It was time for a change in our branding, and the simple, yet effective touch of the stopwatch laurel was exactly what we needed. It really popped out on all of our promotional materials, and the logo'd t-shirts we made for participants were very popular this year. We have a large printed logo on a foam board with everyone's signature on it proudly displayed in our office next to the Threesis trophy.
DillonSenior Assistant Director, NYU GSAS
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